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Tuesday, November 15, 2011


procrastinating harmony!

okok, here's a thing. was looking through some.. sayings, and it felt sooo true. instead of retweeting on tweeter, which is only going to flood other peoples timeline (oh-so-considerate) imma post it here . related me to (:

the colors i've set, are way to awesome for you to read finish in one go. 


Have you ever changed a whole text message just because you didn't know how to spell one word?

When a girl tells you about her problems, it does not mean she complains. It means she trusts you.

Being addicted to texting someone... then they suddenly stop replying, & you find yourself checking your phone constantly.

I do my homework for a while then I reward myself a short break. The funny thing is that the break is never short.

The more often people talk behind your back, the more often you're on their mind. Be proud.

Definition of bravery: Trying to fart when you know you have diarrhea.

Those random moods where you just wanna kill everyone for no apparent reason..

Saying "IM UP!" when you're actually lying in bed as warm as toast!

Wake up in the morning, and feeling: ☐ Like P. Diddy ☐ Like a G6, ☐ a plastic bag, ☑ Like going back to sleep.

Whenever my parents say "i need to talk to you." i automatically think of all the bad things i've done in the past month.

Pretending to die in front of your pet,, to see if it tries to save you ..

Deleting one 'ha' from your HAHAHAHA Because you think its a bit too much.

When you drop something and just stare at it because you're too lazy to pick it up

That awkward moment when you spell a word correctly but it looks wrong so you stare at it forever, questioning it's existence.

everytime when people tell me about my ex's new girlfriend, saying how good she is, makes me feel so.. worthless. wtf. not that i have anything on him anymore. just, dont compare can? 
nahhhh !

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